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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Skate Cheats, Xbox 360

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Game Name : Skate Cheats, Xbox 360
System : Virtual Boy
Date Added : 2007-08-12 02:22:13
Views : 33291

Exclusive Best Buy clothes
Enter at the Main Menu: D-pad up, D-pad down, D-pad left, D-pad right, X button, right bumper, Y button, left bumper.

Dem Bones
In order to unlock the character "Dem Bones" you must break each bone in your body at least 3 times.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Access San Vanelona (5 points)Unlock 1 Location.
Afternoon Freeskater (5 points)Spent 5 hours Freeskating in Career Mode.
Am Skater (10 points)Complete a Shop Film to become an Amateur.
Amateur Racer (10 points)Reach Amateur status for online races.
Amateur Trickster (10 points)Reach Amateur status for online trick events.
Contest Pro (20 points)Beat all Contests.
En Fuego! (15 points)Win 6 consecutive ranked online matches.
Enduring Icon (20 points)Earn 2000 Online EXP Points.
Exhibitionist (5 points)Upload Footage to skate.Reel.
Fanboy (50 points)Beat all the Pros.
Fashionista (5 points)Buy 50 Items
Flow & Style (5 points)Do a 10,000 Point Line in Career Mode.
Footy = Footage (5 points)Save a Replay in Career Mode.
Halfway There (25 points)Complete 50% of all Milestones.
Headhunter (5 points)Beat 1 Pro Skater.
Hooked Up (15 points)Earn all 4 Sponsorships.
Host with the Most (5 points)Host an unranked online session.
Icon Racer (100 points)Reach Icon status for online race events.
Icon Trickster (100 points)Reach Icon status for online trick events.
Keep Playing (75 points)Beat all Challenges.
Keys to the City (30 points)Unlock all locations.
King of the Highway (20 points)Beat all Races.
Master Flicker (100 points)Earn all Milestones.
On Your Way... (5 points)Earn 1 Milestone.
Online Addict (25 points)Complete 50 online game sessions.
Photogenic (20 points)Beat all Photo Challenges.
Pro Racer (30 points)Reach Pro Status for online race events.
Pro Skater (20 points)Earn a Pro Model Board.
Pro Trickster (30 points)Reach Pro status for online trick events.
Rocketman (5 points)Perform a Rocket Air in Career Mode.
Skate Celebrity (10 points)Reach 20 reviews on a single uploaded photo or piece of footage.
Skate's Top Model (5 points)Upload 6 photos to skate.Reel.
Skater of the Year (25 points)Get the cover of Thrasher Magazine.
The Graduate (5 points)Complete all the tutorials in Career Mode.
Tricked Out (25 points)Performed all Tricks in the Trick Book in Career Mode.
Try Online (5 points)Join an online session.
Uninsurable (25 points)Complete all Medical Milestones.
Urban Legend (30 points)Own all the Spots.
Voyeur (5 points)Watch an online session on skate.TV.
Warming Up (5 points)Win 3 consecutive ranked online matches.
Without Footage it's Fiction (20 points)Beat all Film Challenges.
X-Games Gold (20 points)Earn Gold in both X-Games events.
Year's Best (25 points)Get the cover of The Skateboard Mag.
You're a winner! (20 points)Win 20 ranked online events.

Plan B Warehouse
To unlock the Plan B Warehouse, beat Ryan Gallant's pro challenge.

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Skate Cheats, Xbox 360 Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Skate Cheats, Xbox 360 Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Skate Cheats, Xbox 360 Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Skate Cheats, Xbox 360 Cheat Codes at Game Score

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